REALTOR Commission you are trying to save by selling BY OWNER (In Dollars Please)
$ |
How many months will you need to successfully sell by owner?
(The average listing in Utah County is 3 months)
NOTE: A private seller should plan for more time to sell than a REALTOR because of the REALTOR Network, added sources for exposure and experience a REALTOR can provide.
Months |
Current Loan Balance on Home for sale
$ |
Current Interest Rate on Home for sale
% |
Yearly Property Taxes on Home for sale
$ |
Yearly Insurance Costs on Home for sale
$ |
Average Monthly Utility Bills on Home for sale (gas, electric, water, sewer, garbage)
$ |
Choose one that most accurately describes your situation?
Estimated Loan Amount of your Next Home
$ |
How many YEARS do you Anticipate living in your NEW Home
Monthly Newspaper Advertising Costs
$ |
Monthly Flier Advertising Costs
$ |
Monthly For Sale Sign Advertising Costs
$ |
Monthly Home Magazine Advertising Costs
$ |
Monthly Internet Advertising Costs
$ |
What is your time worth per hour?
$ |
How many estimated hours per month will you perform the following tasks:
Answering/returning phone calls, writing ads, showing your home, writing/coutering offers,
completing the paperwork - legal & disclosures, scheduling inspections, appraisers,
coordinating finacing & title work, double checking closing documents, etc.
How much of your equity would you be willing to give a buyer because you like them?
$ |
How much of a security risk is selling by owner?
Letting strangers into your home - Are they qualified or just checking out the valuables?
$ |
How much would you be willing to spend in court costs and/or attorneys fees
before or after your home is sold if all the paperwork is not correctly handled?
$ |
In your opinion, is the real estate market a Buyer's or a Seller's Market?