Services - SHOWING AGENT FEEDBACK Form - Registered RMA Companies - Home

REALTOR Marketing Alliance - RMA

REALTOR Marketing Alliance - RMA Property Report Form

NOTE: SHOWING AGENT REFERRAL FEE should be disclosed in writing to your clients prior to showing an RMA listing.

Showing Agent - REALTOR Marketing Alliance Property Report Form

Showing Agent's Name
Real Estate Brokerage Name

Brokerage Address
E-Mail Address
Mobile Phone Number
Are you a Full or Part time Agent?
How many years have you worked in Real Estate?

Is your client a First Time buyer?
Has your client been pre-approved for a loan?
Is your client a new client / past client or a referral?
How long has your client lived in the area?

Address of the Property - Include City and MLS number please.
Listing Agent's Name & Company
What is your opinion of the price?
Is it overpriced or priced to sell?
What price do you think the property will sell at?
How many days will this property stay on the market?
In your opinion is it a buyer's or a Seller's market?
What is your overall impression of this property?
Are there features that your client mentioned they liked?
Are there features that your client mentioned they disliked?
Would you recommend this property to other clients?
Do you have any suggested items
the seller could fix up or repair?
Do you have any staging suggestions?
What do you think of the overall neighborhood?
Would you want to have this property
as your listing to market and sell? Why or Why not?
How does this property compare with
other similar properties you have looked at?

Other Comments & Questions:

By clicking the submit button below, You state that the above information is accurate and that you HAVE READ, agree and understand that it is the responsibility of the listing agent/brokerage to pay you a "SHOWING FEE" ONLY when the property funds, records and closes and that you received the listing agents VERBAL approval to be a "SHOWING AGENT" prior to showing the RMA property. You also agree and understand that the "SHOWING FEE" will be split between the number of "SHOWING AGENTS" and actual compensation may vary depending on the number of "SHOWING AGENTS.